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Genealogy Microfilm

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How to Find Digital Images on Familysearch

Digital image collections can be accessed today in 3 places on, all under Search.

Catalog - Includes a description of all the microfilms and digital images in the FamilySearch collection. This is where all of FamilySearch's digitized microfilm and new digital images from its global camera operations are being published. A camera icon appears in the Catalog adjacent to a microfilm listing when it is available digitally.

Records - Includes collections that have been indexed by name or published with additional waypoints to help browse the unindexed images.

Books  - Include digital copies of books from the Family History Library and other libraries, including many books that were previously copied to microfilm.

For additional help, see Finding Digital Images of Records on, or watch this how-to video "Where are the digitized records on FamilySearch?"