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Study Room Use Policy

Study Room Use Policy

Library Board Approved Policy 5020.6
Peninsula Center Library, Palos Verdes Library District

  • Study rooms A-L accommodate up to 3 people.

  • Study rooms M-R accommodate up to 8 people.

  • Study rooms may be checked out by anyone with a valid Palos Verdes Library District library card.
  • Study rooms are checked out using the library’s reservation system.  Study rooms cannot be used without a reservation.  

  • Study rooms are checked out for specific sessions that are established by staff to reflect library open hours and usage patterns and may change from time to time.  Study rooms must be completely vacated by the end of the session.   

  • Study room sessions may be checked out on the day of use only.  

  • Only one study room session may be checked out at a time.

  • Use of study rooms must begin within 10 minutes of the session time or the session will be forfeited to the next authorized user.

  • Study rooms are not locked. The Palos Verdes Library District is not responsible for belongings left in the rooms.  Items belonging to someone other than the library cardholder to whom a study room is checked out may be removed by library staff.

  • The library cardholder to whom a study room is checked out is responsible for the condition and use of the study room.  While in use, the lights in the study rooms must remain on.

  • All study room users must abide by the library’s Code of Conduct.  Disruptive or excessive noise will result in expulsion from the library and suspension of study room checkout privileges.

  • Vandalism, defacing, abusing, or misusing study rooms will result in expulsion from the library and suspension of study room checkout privileges.  The library cardholder will be responsible for the cost of labor and materials to repair any damage.

  • Damage, vandalism, excessive food waste, or other problems with the condition of a study room must be reported to library staff within 10 minutes of the start of a study room session or the current library cardholder will be considered responsible.