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The gravestone stood there with its youthful glow , erect and strong , ready to last a hundred years or more . Yet , Hannah had already perished and her body would have started to decay . She was standing there , her mother , looking at the recollection of her memories with Hannah on the walls of the stone .thinking about how one moment can change and take a person's life . She had chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights lying on her shoulder like a waterfall . Her eyes dripped with tears . the walls that held her up strong , collapsed . Moment by moment they fell , fell down . Salty drops fell down her cheeks , drenching her shirt . Ariana fell down on her knees . Her eyes were lost , into the day Hannah left her alone in this world full of demons wearing a mask of angels .

The room was beautiful , flowers perfect , perfumed . there was a view of mountains and the garden was pitch perfect . there she was lying on the bed thinking about death . death wasn't as peaceful or beautiful as she imagined previously , it was eating her from the inside and was leaving her with a body full of dead cells . she stepped down , pressing the wooden flooring by her feet . The creaking sound of the cupboard irritated her , she went on and took out a shiny black file which had her name along with a number on it . The file said that she had a tumor growing in her lungs and it was destroying her body on a large scale . It was Hannah .

They , her mother and Hannah , didn't know that it was the last day of Hannah with her mother . death wasn’t kind . Hannah knew that . it snatched where it could , taking people who were far too young, far too good. It didn't pretend to care, it didn't pretend to distinguish.hannah laid in the hospital bed , knowing that the pain was tearing her apart but she couldn’t feel it , the nurses had made sure of that . instead , she just sat , patiently awaiting her demise , contemplating . Ariana came and sat close to Hannah . She said , “ remember how your father had a beautiful death , but it was from the outside , from the inside he felt no joy or emotion of any kind, there was no heart to beat in his skeletal chest . It was painful . “
Hannah said , “ Mom when I die please play my favourite song on my gravestone so that I can say goodbye to this world cheerfully and joyfully . I’m sorry I couldn't spend more time with you . But I'll always love you . “ The EKG machine interrupted and said “ beeeeeeeppppppppp.”